Wrap It Up: The Condom

Wrap It Up: The Condom

Wrap it Up: The Condom

Rubbers, Love Gloves, and Penis Hats Through History and Modern Day 

By: Ariel Zablocki, PT

A Brief History Over The Centuries

The condom may date back further than 3000 BC where its first known documentation was recorded by the use of King Menos (5). It has been utilized for centuries, though its history is somewhat unknown. The condoms use in the protection against sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy has developed widely from its folklore origins of protecting against “serpents and scorpions” in the semen of King Minos, father of the Minotaur (5). Condoms were originally
constructed from different materials across geographical regions and could include animal intestine, animal bladder, silk, and even tortoise shells (2). It wasn’t until 1855 that the latex condom was manufactured thanks to Charles Goodyear whose invention of the malleable and durable material gave us the rubbers we are more akin to today (2). Hooray!

This improved condom was not as widely accepted as it is today and eventually came to be considered an obscenity by law (2). In 1873, the fight for reproductive rights began with the Comstock Laws being enacted. This law restricted any individual from selling or sending obscenities by mail, including the condom. Some state laws took this one step further making it illegal to disseminate contraceptives (2,6). In 1918, a law was passed legalizing the medical
prescription of the condom to prevent disease; this did not end all state restriction. It was not until 1965 that the Supreme Court ruled in Griswold v. Connecticut that the criminalization of the use of birth control among married couples violated their rights to privacy, beginning the end to state contraception bans (8). All Americans had the legal right to birth control in 1972 (6).


A happy couple smile out from under the covers holding a condom

The Condom Today

Today the condom remains the primary contraceptive method for over 50% of people in the United States (3). It is widely available and will not send you to jail.

You also no longer have to go to the butcher for your intestinal or bladder condom, thankfully, but with a variety of availability how do you know what to choose? It remains a great non-hormonal option for pregnancy prevention and is the best option for prevention of sexually transmitted diseases when needed.

Current market condoms come in various materials including natural, plastic, and latex. Each type of condom has different pros and cons. A good understanding of these different types could help you make a decision which is best for you and your partner.

Natural Lamb Intestines

Alternative for people who have an allergy to latex
Effective at preventing pregnancy
Use with any lubricant: oil-based, silicone, water-based

Not effective in preventing against sexually transmitted diseases


Effective at preventing pregnancy
Effective at preventing sexually transmitted diseases
Allow for transfer of heat between sexual partners
Can be used in the anus

Cannot be used by people with a latex allergy
Cannot be used with oil based lubricants
Reduces heat transfer between sexual partners


Alternative for people who have an allergy to latex
Effective at preventing pregnancy
Effective at preventing sexually transmitted diseases
Use with any lubricant
Allows for transfer of heat between sexual partners
Can be used in the anus


Alternative for people who have an allergy to latex
Effective at preventing pregnancy
Effective at preventing sexually transmitted diseases
Allows for transfer of heat between sexual partners
Can be used in the anus

Cannot be used with oil based lubricants


This list is not extensive and if you ever have questions about what is protective with the type of condom you have, consult the packaging of your condom.

Unfortunately, none of these condoms are researched in the prevention of serpents or scorpions, but you could see there are many options to meet your current sexual needs.

Most condoms come with some lubricant already on them. Go back and read “The myth of wet and ready: a saga that has lasted too long” if you are unsure what you should be looking for in a lubricant for vulva-vaginal health. Some people find using some lubricant with a condom is helpful in reducing excessive friction. If this is you, apply your lubricant of choice onto either the outside of the condom or directly on or in the vagina or anus. It is okay put a few drops of a
compatible condom inside the tip of the condom if it is preferred for your pleasure.

A banana wearing a red condom

How to Properly Use a Condom for Best Protection (4)

  1. Store condom appropriately in cool place away from direct sunlight. Check expiration dates and quality. If it has been sitting in your wallet for a year and it appears discolored or damaged, make a pit stop to your local pharmacy and buy some new condoms.
  2. Tear the condom open with your hand. Do not use a sharp object or something that could puncture the condom, including your teeth.
  3. Pinch the tip of the condom and roll it all the way down to the base of an erect penis. Leave about a half of an inch to collect semen at the tip. If there is foreskin, be sure to roll it back prior to putting the condom on.
  4. After ejaculation, remove the penis from vagina or anus before it softens. To prevent the condom from slipping off while pulling out, hold the base of the condom against the penis.
  5. Remove the condom and throw it away.
  6. You’re all done. If you want to go for another penetrative round, put on a new condom.

Happy Exploring!


To shop Honey Dew's collection of condoms head over to our condom page HERE or take a look at our Sexual Wellness Collection HERE. 


All content copyright Ariel Zablocki


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this presentation are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, September 14). Condom fact sheet in brief. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://
2. Khan, F., Mukhtar, S., Dickinson, I., & Sriprasad, S. (2013). The story of the condom. Indian Journal of Urology, 29(1), 12. https://doi.org/
3. National Health Statistics Reports - Centers for Disease Control and ... (n.d.-a). https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhsr/nhsr105.pdf
4. Parenthood, P. (n.d.). Everything you need to know about condoms. Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri. https:// www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-st-louis-region-southwest-missouri/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-condoms

5. Purandare, A., & Bendre, K. (2014). Contraception through the ages: A brief historical overview. Obstetrics and Gynecology: Contraception, 1–1.

6. Seward, S., Seward, S., 2009-01-13, P., Seward, Arizona State University. School of Life Sciences. Center for Biology and Society. Embryo Project
Encyclopedia., & Monday. (n.d.). The comstock law (1873). The Comstock Law (1873) | Embryo Project Encyclopedia. https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/comstock-law-1873

7. Siegler, A. J., Rosenthal, E. M., Sullivan, P. S., Christina Mehta, C., Moore, R. H., Ahlschlager, L., Kelley, C. F., Rosenberg, E. S., & Cecil, M. P.
(2019). Levels of clinical condom failure for ANAL SEX: A randomized cross-over trial. EClinicalMedicine, 17, 100199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2019.10.012

8. The Supreme Court . expanding civil rights . landmark cases . Griswold ... (n.d.-b). https://www.thirteen.org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/


Image Sources:
1. Shutterstock Image ID: 744198586, Contributed by Cast of Thousands
2. Shutterstock Image ID: 507122185, Contributed by valzan
3. Shutterstock Image ID: 1861327540, Contributed by Prostock-Studio

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